ARL Publisher
Publication in German
eISSN 1611-9983
Urban Production (crafts, manufacturing, agriculture and industry) as part of the mixed-use city is an important factor in ensuring sustainable and socially inclusive urban development. Many cities have developed relevant strategies and the New Leipzig Charter 2020 also advocates for the (re)integration of production in urban areas to create productive cities.
Holger Hoffschröer contributed to the new position paper as a member of the "Urban Production" working group of the North Rhine-Westphalia Working Group (LAG) of the ARL - Academy for Spatial Development in the Leibniz Association. The paper is essentially based on the results of two years of working group work by practitioners and academics. The paper discusses the status quo of urban production, particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia, and provides ideas on the further promotion of urban production.
Sustainable urban development should not only re-integrate production, it should stop displacement and disintegration in order to maintain the spatial accessibility of different urban functions. A series of architectural, urban and spatial planning options can be implemented to achieve this. There is nonetheless a need for legal amendments to adequately promote and safeguard urban production.
Beyond planning regulations, it is necessary to examine whether and in what way it is possible and feasible to adapt the law so that commercial tenants receive greater protection. In order to further promote urban production, the impact and effects of urban production on the labour market, tax revenues, the cityscape and (global) ecological effects must also be recognized. This also involves the questions of which products are produced in the city, which value chains are integrated and how sustainable economic structures can be created.